5 BASIC THAI PHRASES for Travelers + Thai Greeting

5 BASIC THAI PHRASES for Travelers + Thai Greeting

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When you travel to Thailand, Have you ever thought about speaking or asking English language with local Thais and it could be unsuccess because of Thais might not understand English well… Interesting Easy Learn Thai Language

If you plan to travel to Thailand, you might be interested to read this article about 5 easy basic Thai words for travellers and Thai greeting. 

English language is our compulsory subject in school that we required to learn every year from a young age. But way back in most schools, we focus on reading and writing English - Not speaking or listening from the native English speaking teacher.

Because Thais know how to write and read in English and we had more than 38 million travelers around the world last year in 2018, so when you traveling here, you will see buildings and street signs written in English all over Bangkok, awesome!

Listening and speaking English is still difficult for many Thai’s. Especially parents and grandparents generation. They might not know English well, because they don’t use English with westerners or interact with tourists on a daily basis. 

Nowadays young generation can understand more listening speaking basic English as we learned in school from a native English speaking teacher. And there are also many ways for us that we can easily learn English by ourselves such as watch western movies with Thai subtitles, listen to western songs, YouTube and Netflix are everywhere here which helps us learn more of English very easily and enjoyable.

The other thing about English accent, same word but many different English accents around the world such as American accent, English accent or Australian accent and etc.

If Thais don’t use English every day, For us, this is can be very challenging to understand.

You may ask us questions in English, but accents, speed of your speaking, or our excitement to speak English with you...sometimes we may end up have a blank face from your question because we don’t know how to respond properly. 

Before we go into the details of these 5 words. I would like a quick explain about the gender words of ‘Krub’ and ‘Ka’ which you will hear Thais speak these words all the time. 

Krub is a gender word for man speaking. Ka is a gender word for woman speaking.

If you are man - you always add ‘Krub’ to finish every words and sentences same as if you are woman you always add ‘ka’ to finish every words, sentences or questions.


For gender word for man ‘Krup’ You might see Thai write this word in the different spelling - Krub/Kup/Kap/Cup. Doesn’t matter - they are same - Krub -

These gender words are based on who we are as a gender speaker - which is different than any Latin languages that the gender words up to the person or object you are talking to.

Is it necessary to add ‘Krub’ or ‘Ka’ every time when we talking?

Yes it is!. Krub or Ka is a very polite Thai word, similar to the word ‘Please’. Use Krub or Ka to end every sentences, questions or words. It makes what you say sounds very polite versus without adding ‘Krub or ‘Ka’ can make what you say sounds very harsh or ordering tell them what to do. 

Okay now it’s time for 5 Essential Thai Words for Traveler  

1 Hi, Hello

Man - Sa Was Dee Krub

Woman - Sa Was Dee Ka

2 Thank you

Man - Kop Khun Krub

Woman - Kop Khun Ka

‘Wai’ or Thai greeting

Before we go to the next words

I would like a quick explanation about - Wai or Thai greeting action by Bowing. 

First thing, wherever you travel in Thailand you will see Thai people greeting to each other by ‘bow’ or wai to each other which is similar to shake hands, hug, kiss. We bow for these situations such as greeting hi, hello, thank you, sorry, ask for permission, farewell or bow in the temples.

The question ‘Can you bow as a tourist?’ ‘Is bowing appropriate?’

The answer is YES PLEASE, you can bow to Thai people and we love this! It’s a very respectful and polite thing to do here. 

How to “Wai” 

Put your 2 palms together in between your chest with a slight bow with your beautiful smile. 

For the beautiful looking when you bow, you want to keep your elbows next to your body. Not put elbow away from your body because you don’t want to bump the persons next you. 

Wai or bow is very flexible and it’s up to you if you would like to bow or not when you say hi, hello or thank you. But trust me, every time you bow, you will see a beautiful reaction smile from Thai people. 

So when you say hi/hello or thank you, don’t forget to bow when you say these words like this Sawasdee Ka (Bow) / Kopkunka (Bow) 

3 How much 

Man - Tao Rai Krub

Woman - Tao Rai Ka

4 Bathroom/ Toilet 

Man - Hong Nam Krub

Woman - Hong Nam Ka

5 Not Spicy 

Man - Mai Ped Krub

Woman - Mai Ped Ka

But if you love spicy foods, you don’t have to say anything because most of the authentic Thais chef will make you a delicious spicy Thai foods and you can enjoy. 

I hope this article of 5 Thai words are easier for you to understand and help when you travel here.

Practice, and Don’t worry about the spelling, pronunciation, tones, if you trying to say these words, we will appreciate so much and this will make your trip to Thailand much more fun with a great experience with Thai people.

Thank you very much for reading, take care


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Basic Thai Words & Phrases

Thai Greeting

Basic Thai Words & Phrases

Thai Greeting